Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." - Victor Hugo

Sometimes, the only thing that makes sense is something you cant explain at all.
Often times, those things are the most beautiful.

In our darkest times, we need clarity, a connection to the world, something that says everything is ok, something that says everything you want to say but cant, something that can lift the cloud over such a complex, contradicting, hearbreaking, and beautifully non-sensical world, even if only for a moment.

There is a special kind of truth that lies within music. Truth in the form of a sound, a lyric, a voice, a chord, a key change, a whisper. Truth that can heal you and break your heart in the span of four minutes.

Like love, air, and heartache, you cant see it, but you know when you feel it.